Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sunday Nights

Since, as a general rule, I work nights and Mondays, Sunday nights are the only ones during the week that I should go to bed earlier. I have to get up at like 430 to be in Bellevue at the Temple by 6 or so. Ironically, Sunday nights are also the ONLY nights I'm never tired and have trouble going to sleep. Funny how that works out. It's a combination of a few factors I think. 1. is that I would generally sleep in on Sundays. The Single's ward used to start at 1. But now that it starts at 9 one would think that I'd be plenty tired come Sunday night. False. Cause now I stay up late Saturday night and take a nap Sunday all day. 2. When I lay in bed I stress about having to get up early and end up laying awake for a long time. So tomorrow I'll roll out of bed, muster uip the strength and drive up to Bellevue before rush hour traffic beats me. I hope Phil comes in. Phil's the guy I usually work with and he's awesome. Last week he was passing a kidney stone or something. I think I'll maybe blog about Phil sometime.

I'm currently reading another book. It's short and titled "one in thine hand." it's actually not strictly LDS based though written by an LDS author. Pretty interesting novel about people in Israel in the lead up (and I assume will include) to the Yom Kippur War. I'm just hoping is has some Israel kicking some trash like they do best. Anywho, I'm pretty tired and have like 4 chat conversations taking place on Facebook ("weeeell, look who's Mr. Popular!") I should give more focus to.

1 comment:

  1. And one of them was meeeee!

    I may have to check out that book. Israel is my homeboy.
