Monday, January 24, 2011


This is just a hodgepodge of random thoughts I've had lately.

Currently I'm listenning to the soundtrack to the Social netowrk. For those who haven't seen that movie you should. Just get rid of any pre-conceived notions you have about what you think it might be and go. There was way more substance in it then you'd think, and the acting was incredible. Jesse Eisenberg definately deserves the Oscar for that (Those are this week aren't they?). And it or the King Speech (another incredible movie you should all see) should win the best picture. Both any other year pry would win it.

I've recently made a new friend named Devin. How weird. I've never had the problem before of people having to establish what Devin they're talking about. It's pretty stressful. He's pretty cool though.

Being the terribly witty guy that I am, I've noticed that the more tired I get, the more witty I am. At least I think I am. That may just be me not thinking straight. I do my best thinking at night.

I was watching Mr. Rogers the other day. Not like I turned it on and sat there through an episode. Remember, my mom has a daycare. So it was on. anyway, How cool is that guy? I wish I had sneakers like his and I could socially get away with calling the sneakers.
Super Bowl in a couple weeks. Like I've said, I generally don't care about football too much, but like we all should, I hate Pittsburg. So let's go Green Bay!

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