Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Yep, it's a blog

I haven't had a whole lot new to blog about the last couple weeks. I had what I think was some strain of the flu the last couple days. I got home Saturday night and broke out into a wicked fever. My whole body got cold and shivering pretty violently, and at the same time my head heated quite a bit.

Right now I'm listenning to Firework by Katy Perry. Weird? Yes. Right before the song started (it's on Youtube. I wanted to see if the music video was as trippy as California gurlz. Which was really weird btw. If you haven't seen it, it's worth the watch. She gets flipped off by a gummy bear and it blurs it out. 2 questions on that. 1. Why would a gummy bear flip her off? we dunno. 2. Gummy bears don't have fingers, so they pretty much blurred out a gummy bear's paw. But it all adds up when Snoop Dog enters). Anywho, there was a commercial for bing that had a guy calling a girl asking her to a dance. I have no idea what it had to do with bing, but it was funny. It reminded me of what I must sound like on the phone with a girl. Yeah, this video's a bit weird too.

I recently saw the movie Forever Strong for the first time. I was pleasently surprised by how good it actually was. Especially the main kid's acting. Quite convincing. I mean, towards the beginning you really do hate that guy, but towards the end when he turns it around, you believe it. If that makes any sense. Plus the movie has Gary Cole who played Bob Russell on the West Wing. So it also has that going for it.

I've really been loving the movie Angels and Demons lately. Since the first time I saw it it was one of my favorites. I tend to like movies where there's problems being solved and thinking and such. Like the Da Vinci Code or National Treasure movies. But Angels and Demons is quite great. The plot's exciting. It basically takes place at the Vatican as a new Pope is being chosen then there's a bomb threat and the Cardinals that make up the Preferiti that are the most likely to succeed the Pope are kidnapped. The acting's great cause Tom Hanks tends to always be pretty great. As well as Ewan McGregor. Plus I'm pretty sure the bad guy is one of the most hard-core, awesome bad guys there are in movies. And the script's awesome as well.

"May god forgive you for what you've done."
"Father, if God has issues, they won't be with what I've done. They will be with what I'm about to do."

"...but science and religion are not enemies! There are simply some things that science is just too young to understand. So the church pleads: "stop", "slow down", "think", "wait"... and for this - they call us backward. But who is more ignorant: the man who cannot define lightning, or the man who does not respect its natural awesome power?"

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