Facebook addicting as heck. Its like anydrug. I swore I woulnt be one of those people that gets on every day. Now I feel weird after a few hours wondring what's going on. My phone giving me constant access doesn't help either. Soon after I got home I kept feeling like I was too connected with the world and knew too much about what everyones doing. Now I feel weird if I don't know. In fact I started a blog cause apparently I don't feel people have enough access to me. (Cause it's be pretty dificult for the 8 of you to find out whats new, rigt?) btw, how do i get more followers?
I wonder if people being too connected and wired in (think social network) will somehow lead to health problems we can't foursee currently. Like thumb joint problems. Or literal withdrawals from technology. Apready so many people lack the ability to carry on a normal conversatin in person. I knew a couple on my mission who would sit back to back and text whenever they needed to have a serious conversation. Pretty sad. I'm not about to start a an anti texting or social networking campaign (which would seem a bit ridiculious on a blog such as this) Just sayin people. be careful.
Well, I'm typing this on my phone driving to Mt. Vernon with Matt (see what i mean? Ironic, yeah?) and am starting to get car sick. Plus matts got some sick (pun intended) music i wanna listen to. So that's enough for Now.
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